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Awards, Grants and Fellowhips of Dr. Li and Lab Members:


2024 June, Yibing Zhang, PhD Candidate, received the Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship for Fall 2024.


2023 Mar, Dr. Li (as PI) has been awarded a UC Merced Instrumentation Grant to purchase a microPET scanner.


2021 Nov, Ignacio Romero, PhD Candidate, received the Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship for Spring 2022.


2021 May, Ignacio Romero, PhD Candidate, won the 2nd Place Award in AAPM North California Chapter Young Investigator Symposium.


2021 May, Dr. Li (as subcontract PI) has been awarded a FAST TRACK STTR grant (R42GM142394-01A1) with Sigray, Inc. 


2021 May, Dr. Li (as PI) has been awarded an Adminstrative Supplemental Grant (R01EB026646-04S1). 


2020 May, Dr. Li (as Co-PI) has been awarded a CITRIS's Rapid Response seed grant with Drs. Wei-chun Chin (PI) and Jennifer Lu (CO-PI). 


2020 May, Michael Lun, PhD Candidate, won the First Place Award in AAPM North California Chapter Young Investigator Symposium


2018 June, Dr. Li has been awarded a R01 grant from NIH NIBIB with a total fund about 2.5 millions in the coming 4 years


2017 May, Dr. Li received a UC Merced Faculty Senate Seed Grant


2017 April, Yue Zhao and Baikejiang Reheman, PhD candidates in Biomedical Imaging Lab, received 2017 BEST summer fellowship


2017 April, Yiping Guo, PhD student in Biomedical Imaging Lab, received 2017 QSB summer fellowship


2016 March, Yue Zhao, a PhD candidate in Biomedical Imaging Lab, won 2016 BEST summer fellowship


2016 February, Dr. Li received a R03 grant titled "Microscopi X-ray luminescence computed tomography" from NIH


2015 April, Dr. Li received a UC Merced Faculty Senate Seed Grant


2015 April, Baikejiang Reheman, a graduate student in Biomedical Imaging Lab, won 2015 BEST summer fellowship


2014 December, Baikejiang Reheman, a graduate student in Biomedical Imaging Lab, won the Graduate Student Scholarship of XinJiang Province, China.


2014 July, Dr. Li received a grant from California Breast Cancer Research Program


2014 April, Baikejiang Reheman, a graduate student in Biomedical Imaging Lab, won the Outstanding Teaching Award from UC Merced


2014 April, Dr. Li received a UC Merced Faculty Senate Seed Grant


2014 March,  Yue Zhao and Baikejiang Rehenman, graduate students in Biomedical Imaging Lab, won  2014 BEST summer fellowship


2012, Dr. Li won Alavi Mandell Award from Society of Nuclear Medicine


2009, Dr. Li won Molecular Imaging Postdoctoral Award from Society of Nuclear Medicine